Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

What likely happening at Walmart with several police involved?

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Jen Lori A

Today I saw several police car drive fast with sirens light on to show up at Walmart. When police arrived, some police looks at security camera and run fast to a east side of parking lot. Several police drive around and searching in the several different cars at east side of parking lot.

The store general manager talking with police and walk around at the parking lot.

They give up about 20 minutes later. I even saw regular customers was in security camera room talking with police.

What happen? What type of crimes that draw this kind of attention? I know it's not serious like murder because walmart would been close right away with road blockage, I am sure it's not like a candy bar shoplift because of all the hassle with several people.

Is there possible a professional criminal knows how to beat secuirty camera by fooling them and cause police look at wrong place?

It could be anything. A purse snatching. An armed robbery of a cashier. A kidnapping. An ex- who ignored the Restraining Order and followed his wife into the store? Who knows? If you'd mentioned the location of the Walmart, one of us could look it up and actually tell you. Or, since you know the location, you could google it yourself.

How is heresay from a criminal grounds to charge an innocent person?


I have a friend that was in the company of another person at a bar when that person supposedly robbed the place. The employees and other patrons all gave statements that my friend did not appear to be involved, as did the person who robbed it. However, after the police promised him they'd release him if he'd admit my friend was involved, he gave 4 different versions of how she was involved. (none of them true, she isn't the type) In addition there was also a security camera that would prove my friends innocence but the police did not request it. They are charging her with a 3rd degree felony which carries a mandatory min of 8 years if found guilty. Her lawyer even said the only thing keeping the DA from dropping charges is his false statement. How can they use his statements? He was convicted before of the same charge as well as drugs and my friend has never had more than a parking ticket. (for any ?ing why she was with him, they were friends years ago & wasnt aware of his record)

There is probable cause to arrest and charge your friend. The basis for the probable cause can be challenged during motions hearings, and, if it goes further, the guilt or innocence will be determined by a judge or jury based on the totality of the evidence.

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