Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

What to bring to look at an apartment?

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I am going to be looking for an apartment in the next week and this will be my first time moving away from home. I was wondering, what should I bring or what should I know before I go visit some potential places?

I haven't started my new job yet and even when I do, it is a catering job that pays cash. So what happens if they ask about my employment or paystubs? Do I need to do a credit check on myself or will they run that? Bring a pen and pad? Camera?

Keep your nostrils on alert for the smell of mold. if you pick up the tiniest whiff of it, GET OUTTA THERE!! Get close to the carpet, if it smells bad when you lay down on it, that's a bad sign.

Oh how I wish I had been there to personally inspect the last place I lived in. Never make that mistake, never trust another person, especially a man (sorry) to inspect the house for you if something comes up and you have to go to another appointment.

Is the ceiling newly painted? They might just be covering up a mold problem.

Smell in the kitchen cupboards, they can really be an indication of what all your kitchen stuff will smell like once you put it in there.

Picture your furniture in the house. Will it fit? This is so important, if you can't fit cupboards and thigns that you store your belongings in into the house, it's not going to work.

Does it have built ins? It will have to if you haven't bought or do not have the money for a wardrobe.

CHECK THE TAPS. Run the shower and count how many seconds it takes for the water to get hot. This is a matter of personal preference, but to me it's important. Also check that the taps are well mantained- they should be easy to turn on and off.

Is there enough electricity outputs? Picture what electrical items will be in each room, find the electrical outputs, consider how many extension leads you will have to buy, for for example, will my computer desk really fit in the corner? But it has to go here, becasue that's where the power is.

Find the telephone output. It's extremely unlikely that it won't have it, but just do it anyway.

Do you require fast internet? Make sure ADSL2 is available. I'm not sure if you're in the USA but I'm in Australia, and in some places the internet isn't so fast at the moment. Not that I support the NBN. Off topic.

Are there nice curtain/blinds, and will you be able to keep them or are they just there on display? Because if it doesn't have nice curtains you will have to spend a lot of money.

Check out the nighbours. You can tell a lot about people by what's parked in the front yard, what's growing there, etc.. like, do you thing it might be a party house? Can you stand music late at night? You don't necessarily have to knock on their door.

Do all the windows and doors shut and open easily? Think about both security, and how you're going to get fresh air in.

How much privacy is there from the neighbours/ how much do you require? Is there a good washing line?

If the house has someone living in it when you are inspecting it, and they are smokers, just walk away. The house will be toxic for some time after.

How much maintenance does the garden require? It should be planted with low mantenance plants (at least for most people), not require a lot of watering or weeding or fertilisation. How much mowing is required? Is there a mowing service supplied? (some blocks of units just share the cost of a mowing service for the shared strips of gras behind and in front of the house.)

That's all I can think of for now.. hope that helps...

If santa clause WAS REAL what will be on your wishlist this christmas?

Horse Frea

video camera. more games for my wii. get my crush to be my boyfriend of my dreams. i want a baby lion and a baby tiger that stays babys forever. i want to be rich. i want the poor people in africa and other countries have good econimies. i want to meet my celebrity(munro chambers).we will be friends :) hmmm whats on your wishlist?

Secure a place at the University of my choice.

Secure a stable and interesting/enjoyable job/career.

Permanent, valid, multiple citizenship to Switzerland, USA, UK, France, Italy, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Indonesia, Russia, China, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, South Africa, D.R. Congo, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Tunisia, U.A.E, Turkey, India, Greece, Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Iran, Mauritius, Portugal, Singapore.

A house/flat in Switzerland, USA, UK, France, Canada, Russia, Australia, South Africa, Turkey, Iran, Mauritius, Azores (Portugal) Singapore.

Financial security so I always have access to whatever money I need/want at any given time knowing that it's legitimately mine and not borrowed/loaned/stolen etc.
Some of that financial security in physical bullion.

To be more confident and open in myself and life in general. To not be so anxious and stressed all the time.

Influential power to make a difference in the world (especially politics/finances) without being directly in the public limelight. Well known and hopefully liked but without mass media/public attention.

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