Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

What type of spy camera should I get?

best wifi security camera mac on uControl Home Security System | iTech News Net
best wifi security camera mac image

Hi, every now and then my house gets Teepeed ( toilet papered ) or I get egged and I'm sick of cleaning it up. I'm looking for a spy camera that could catch the victim. My yard has a palm tree in the middle and a lamp post on the corner that has a view of my door. I'm looking for one that's under 100$ and one that is wireless and waterproof and small enough so it won't be noticeable also it would be really helpful if it could hook up to my Mac ( computer ). Thanks so much.

you don't need a spy camera, you need a security camera. If you hook the camera at your front door or windows you can use a webcam, it will be much cheaper. However for outdoor you will need a weather proof wifi security camera

if they come by at night your will need a IR or InfraRed camera for night time functioning so you can see the little bastards in the act. it is more expensive but it works well at night

Can the camera on a MacBook Pro be hacked?


I'm thinking of getting one and I have never had a computer with a built in camera (and haven't had a web cam since 2003) but I'm nervous about hackers getting into the camera because I'm always connected to my WiFi and sometimes just leave my computer open.

I'm just wondering how good is their security.

Also don't just say "duct tape" that is not the answer to my question and the camera is where the sensor is for the keyboard light.

Can anything be hacked is the question, and the answer is yes. If someone is smart enough to make something that's secured, someone else is smart enough to hack that security.

So yes, anything can be 'hacked'

If I wanted to hack your webcam, I could get your IP address and use any number of security vulnerabilities to gain entry to your system, or I could brute force into your wireless connection, once in there I could install a remote viewer for your computer giving me full control of the system. I could also send you a bug in your email that once opened will allow me to remote view your desktop and transmit that data anywhere.

Very straight forward. Mind you, if someone was smart enough to do that, I doubt they'd waste their time staring at you wandering around your room. They'd be too busy stealing money or credit card information or any other number of things.

People are always saying "Mac's are secured, you don't get viruses for Macs, you can't break them!". Companies actually pay me to find my way into secure areas of their servers to find network vulnerabilities. They've all got Linux based servers which are largely superior than any Unix based MacOS. Basically, if it was impossible to break into a Mac, no one would ever buy a PC. Every computer at the bank, your financial advisor, the local stores that take your credit cards, etc, etc, etc... Would all be running Mac's, but almost none of them are.

But yes, if you're REALLY paranoid, then tape is your answer. :p

UPDATE: Obviously the person who said I'm "Full of it" has no clue what they're talking about. Vulnerabilities for EVERY OS (Windows, MacOS, Linux) are discovered almost every single day. There is no such thing as a fully secured system. If it was, then there wouldn't be patches because it would already be perfect.

Right now MacOS's #1 vulnerability comes from Memory Overflow issues... As late as May and June 2009, people have been using Memory Overflows to get into MacOS systems... Chances are you're running 10.5 Leopard and these issues aren't even being addressed until the 10.6 version is being released.

If you believe what that other guy says and that mac's can't be hacked go to Google and type "How to Hack a Mac" and see the 23 million+ search results.

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