Rabu, 04 Desember 2013

If santa clause WAS REAL what will be on your wishlist this christmas?

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Horse Frea

video camera. more games for my wii. get my crush to be my boyfriend of my dreams. i want a baby lion and a baby tiger that stays babys forever. i want to be rich. i want the poor people in africa and other countries have good econimies. i want to meet my celebrity(munro chambers).we will be friends :) hmmm whats on your wishlist?

Secure a place at the University of my choice.

Secure a stable and interesting/enjoyable job/career.

Permanent, valid, multiple citizenship to Switzerland, USA, UK, France, Italy, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Indonesia, Russia, China, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, South Africa, D.R. Congo, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Tunisia, U.A.E, Turkey, India, Greece, Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Iran, Mauritius, Portugal, Singapore.

A house/flat in Switzerland, USA, UK, France, Canada, Russia, Australia, South Africa, Turkey, Iran, Mauritius, Azores (Portugal) Singapore.

Financial security so I always have access to whatever money I need/want at any given time knowing that it's legitimately mine and not borrowed/loaned/stolen etc.
Some of that financial security in physical bullion.

To be more confident and open in myself and life in general. To not be so anxious and stressed all the time.

Influential power to make a difference in the world (especially politics/finances) without being directly in the public limelight. Well known and hopefully liked but without mass media/public attention.

What are some great things to do and see in Mumbai, India?

Corrine A

I love adventure, hiking, temples, caves, beach, shopping,etc. Anything suggestions would be great that would make my trip spectacular, dont want to miss a thing. Have two weeks and really do not want to travel all over the country, want to stay in one area.

Having just returned from Mumbai this morning, I'll mention a few things.

1. Sanjay Gandhi National Park
There's a safari bus tour to view lions and tigers. Don't get too excited about it. You board a schoolbus with metal grills on the windows. You might think the metal grills are to protect the tourists from the animals, but I suspect it's to keep the tourists inside the bus. The bus makes so much noise that it will scare most wildlife away. The lions and tigers are in caged habitats and are fairly inactive during the mid-day heat. You might see some deer along the way if the bus doesn't frighten them away. It isn't worth paying an extra Rs 500 for a videotaping permit.

See the Kanheri Caves. You will need sneakers, a flashlight, lots of water, and about 4 hours to see all of them. These are magnificent, and you will marvel at how dedicated the monks were to build them. Definitely grab one of the tour guides (usually with a wooden walking stick) to take you around and tell you how the monks lived among the caves. Their design of the caves, carvings, paintings, water collection pools, bathing areas, clothes washing areas, cooking areas, etc. was nothing less than genius. A tour guide found us wandering aimlessly, but with his help everything made sense. We paid him Rs 200 for a couple hours of his time and help with elders in our group, and it was worth it. Watch out for the monkeys. They can be viscious if they know you have food, so DO NOT FEED THEM!!

2. Walk along the Worli Seaface.

3. Take a drive on the Bandra-Worli Sealink.

4. See the Hajiali masjid.

5. See Taj Hotel

6. See Nariman point

7. See the Gateway to India

8. See the Elephanta Caves

9. See the Bombay Stock Exchange and the smaller version of the brass bull that's in NYC

10. See the Mahalaxmi temple

11. See the Siddhi Vinayak temple (absolutely no cameras allowed inside the security checkpoint)

12. Walk on the Mahalaxmi Racetrack and see the horses being exercised in the mornings.

13. See Victoria Terminal Train station during rush hour (no photography allowed).

14. Go shopping in Dadar.

15. Go shopping on Fashion Street.

There's much more, but that's all my wife could show me in a few days.

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