Rabu, 04 Juni 2014

Was this well written need help getting this edited?


On August 22, 2013 I noticed Elevator , 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 cameras system was down as well as the elevator IMS system Groups. I called security rover to verify if all the lights in inside each elevator were on. I checked the fire panel and it read. (POWER LOSS RTU4 AND RTU6 ROOF LEVEL). I informed rover to check the electrical breakers that supply electric to the front desk located on the 3rd floor north electrical room by elevator #5. All elevators are working properly. We were just having a small power failure. I also informed security rover to check the electrical room on the roof top but he was unsuccessful of taking care of the situation.

Too much techie detail without a hint of where the story is going.

What company is a good servilance company?


I want to put cameras at home but I don't know what security company I should get. I want cameras so I can watch my house when we travel plus if some one breaks in I don't want them to take the device that is recording the video at home.

It really depends on your budget, and whether you want remote monitoring of your cameras. Also depends on whether or not you can monitor/install them yourself. Plenty of companies offer surveillance analytics. But that might be a bit overkill for your residence.

Maybe consider talking to a security company. They can give you all of the information you'd need, and the call is free. You don't necessarily have to go with that company, but you will walk away with a lot of good information.

My big plan for 2013 is setting up some cams to record my house, so that I can peep in from my mobile device.

So far the best site that I've found is http://dhsecuritysolutions.com/surveillance-solutions/ -- they offer the services I need, and they were recommended to me by my coworker.

Still looking around for something in my city, but the DH site suggests that they have partners nationwide.

My best advice is to call a security company near you and ask them for an estimate to set up a camera system that can be remote monitored by you online. That's my plan if calling DH proves to be too expensive or impractical.

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