Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

recomend security cameras?


can you reccomend a good security system that will handle 3 cameras with motion detectors that can be viewed via remote access. please explain if possible.



Now when you ask for cameras with motion detector do you want them to be able to record only when there is motion, or do want them to have an actual motion detector inside of the,.

If you want them to be both a CCTV camera and a working motion detector I suggest Ascendents ASC-380PIR37.

link to the ASC-380PIR37

If all you want is a camera that records when there is motion then all you need is CCTV cameras and a DVR. CCTV cameras put out 30FPS per second and send those images to a DVR it is then the dVR job to manage the video (decide when ans how to store the images, and allow you to remote connect to the cameras.)

the problem with viewing your cameras over the internet is most DVR file size is too large. File size is crucial to streaming because most DVRâs on the market record at real time performance (30FPS per channel) so on a 4CH is trying to send 120, 8CH 240, and a 16CH 480 images per second which requires way to much bandwidth even for the most extreme internet connections.

also uses the latest H.264 codec becasue it offers better quality,. While its file size sizes is 30% smaller than MPEG-4, 60% smaller than MPEG-2, and exponentially smaller than MJPEG.

Not all DVR are created equal In fact, there are many options that offer varying performance much like the automobile industry. In the world of DVR's you can find the equivalent of a $10,000 Kia and a $350,000 Ferrari and everything in between. Both have 4 wheels and windshield but that where the similarities end, itâs under the hood that counts. Just like any other consumer electronic in the end you get what you pay for.

If you are buying a DVR and streaming is a high priority I suggest get them to do a demo and connect to the DVR to make sure it is able to stream fast enough for your needs. Most DVR say they have Remote Viewing but it is often to slow and laggy to be of use. Some good DVR brands that I recommend are Bosch, Pelco, Honeywell and Ascendent. (Recommended)

Again I recommend going with a PC based DVR but if you don't want to spend the money I suggest Ascendent's AVP-4120 DVR or Pelco's DX-4000 as they will allow you to view all your cameras instantly from anywhere in the world using either IE. The AVP-4120 will also allow MAC platforms as well as PC to remotely view cameras and it uses the new H.264 codec but no standalone will offer the video streaming or performance a good PC based DVR will.

If you want to see how a good PC based DVR stream bellow are instructions on how to connect to Ascedent's X3L PC based DVR.

Instructions on how to connect to Ascendentâs DVR with Internet Explorer:

1) (Must be Internet explorer)
2) Install active X control
3) Hit âConnect)
4) DVR type PC
5) DVR code SITE-100
6) User ID Demo (case sensitive)
7) Password demo (lower case)
8) Hit extend config
9) IP address:
10) And hit connect

I hope this helps if yo have any other questions feel free to shoot me an email.

Security system question?


Okay I just moved into a new complex and the girl my bf was messing around with somehow found out where I live and now stuff like nails have been popping up by my car and stuff so I'm going to set up a security system. I need help with that though as I need something that can hide easy and will record maybe to online or something? I know nothing about this but I have a very expensive hybrid car and if shes going to be messing with that thats hazardess to my health. There's other things also and I know, go to the cops.....but what can they do? They won't sit and watch my house for something like that......but once I get it on camera I'll have proof. Even if not her, I've already had to put out 200 for a new tire last month and that's rediculous. So links maybe? like what system will record to a comp or something? thanks!!

Buy a branded security camera of top qualityâ¦thatâll work well. You donât have to worry about anything as professionals of the company you choose will take care of the installation and maintenance services. Latest technology security system includes a camera that can be fitted outside and allows the camera to get connected to a pc or mobile phone⦠I too bought one recently and fitted it outdoors because of the disturbance of my neighbor. And I bought it for a reasonable price from.. hope thisâll work best for you tooâ¦

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