Senin, 07 April 2014

How to view a security camera online?

Future Fig

I bought a Qsee model QSWLOCR security camera online and did not see the option of checking it online, but i know on they show you a list of camera numbers and you copy and paste it into google and you can now view the camera. So how do you get that number to type in? Or another option i have is how to make the antenna stronger. i am like 10' from being able to pick up the signal where i want it and i just wanted to know if maybe there was a way to make the antenna better

In-order to view it online it would need to connect to a wireless network for broadcasting or have a computer wired to it as a server. IF the antenna is a separate part you can either A try setting it indoors and see what that does or make an amplifier.

In-order to make the amplifier you will need a small dish which does not come full circle too quickly (think satellite) and a peace of metal which can be used as the stem of the antenna (the antenna sits on top of this metal poll.

If you use tape make sure to either use very little or a conductive material.

On the other hand if the receiver is a simple usb adapter then you can do the same thing utilizing a usb extender cable.

If your lucky and have an actual antenna and not just a usb nub on your computer you can try this

But I don't recommend the above video for out door use.

Security Cameras?


is there a way to view security cameras online from stores all over the united states?

yes, but MAJOR security breach and hacking are involved. But only a certain percentage know how to operate such tasks and most of them turn out to be criminals.

But there is a way to look at every camera in a building. All you have to do really is just look for a wire that connects to the monitor and the camera, cut it, add a second wire to connect to your screen either wirelessly or wired.. and there you go... But if your planning to do something illigal, dont do this, you'll find your self going to prison for invasion / hacking (Im guessing a couple of years in prison)

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