Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

How to obtain security camera footage?

Nick L

About a week ago on February 19th,2011 my car was hit while I was inside of Target. I came out and saw it and walked back inside to the customer service. I called the Plymouth Township Police and an Officer came out and gave me an incident number. My car is in the shop right now getting fixed but I still have to pay a 500 deductible because the Police won't answer my calls or return my over 15 voicemails. I'm trying to obtain the video footage to find the person who did it. Target said they saw where I parked in the footage but its to small and can't zoom in. I edit movies for college so I know how to do that. How can I obtain the video footage, or how can I make the Police help me?

Police= Always there when you don't need them, then when you need help, NOWHERE to be found.

I'm really getting sick of this.

What should I do?

That's a simple solution but critical used Adobe Premier CS4 Software because this software is Great sensitivity and my experience tell to u that most use-full to You. About this Problem and One advice to you used security alarm system in your car.

Why do cons believe in security guards at school but not surveilance cameras?


They are both big brother measures,but surveillance cameras actually caught the Boston bombers.

That is the kind of question I would expect a brain dead liberal to ask. An armed security guards at school can stop things like Sandy Hook. What is surveillance cameras going to do, other than showing the liberal gun control bigots how good a job they are at having our children murdered, so they can further their anti-gun agenda?

It has NEVER been the NRA murdering people, it has always been the liberals.

On September 28, 1868, a mob of Democrats massacred nearly 300 African-American Republicans in Opelousas, Louisiana. The savagery began when racist Democrats attacked a newspaper editor, a white Republican and schoolteacher for ex-slaves. Several African-Americans rushed to the assistance of their friend, and in response, Democrats went on a â***** hunt,â killing every African-American (all of whom were Republicans) in the area they could find.

In 1863 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States.

In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan.

In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung-Hui Cho shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech.

In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killing 6 others.

In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.

In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people in a school.

One could go on, but you get the point, even if the media does not.

Clearly, there is a problem with Democrats and guns, all liberals should be banned from having firearms.

Why is it none of the disturbed and evil men, who steal guns, or buy them bent on evil, to kill movie-goers and children in school, has ever been identified as a conservative NRA member?

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