Minggu, 18 Mei 2014

where can i buy really small security cameras for homes???


really small security cameras dat no one would be able
to fine dem or see dem at all n i could use dem with my
computer anywhere i am in my house or outside my

Check x10.com they have a bunch of home security and automation products.

Question about if I should install security cameras and scanners in my home(after burglary)?


Hi, I'm a 20 year old guy, who lives with his parents in a house. :)
So a few days ago we had a burglary in our house when no one was at home, they stole some random stuff like cameras, deodorants, some little money etc.
So now my parents want a camera and some scanners to be installed in our beloved house.
I'm against this idea of instaling a camera and scanner in our house, I also don't like to act out of fear, but rather wait before making the decision of buying this stuff.

My parents' arguments are only based on fear, they argue things like this will give us more protection, the robbers have maybe been taken pictures of your computer, guitars etc. to show their "friends" and maybe come again to take the things their friends were interested in, if you know what I mean. "They can come back for more, now that they know what we have"(They were on scooters, by them coming again my parents mean by car).

What is your thoughts?, have you installed these things in your house, are you against having these cameras and scanners installed?

This is by the first time we've been experiencing a burglary.

I have security cameras installed in my house for added security. However, cameras and scanners will not make a house burglar proof or even deter burglars. A few things to do to a house is check and make sure all windows are closed and locked. Make sure all exit doors are closed and locked. If they entered through the door by kicking it, maybe invest in a security strike plate. This offers a much stronger strike plate and uses 3 to 4 inch screws instead of the little 1 inch screws a regular strike plate has. Add deadbolts to exit doors. Use the keyed ones. These are the types that have to use a key to lock/unlock on both sides. A homeowner wants to either make their house less eye catching or make it harder and longer to gain access into.

Also, most burglars will not come back to get more. They are impulsive and will go elsewhere to get more.

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